College Students Mentorship Program
Receive Professional Mentorship from Terravanta Employees
What do you hope to achieve in a mentorship?
Career Development/Advancement
Technical Development
Writing Development
Communication Skills
Project Management
Conflict Resolution
Graduate School Application Process
Leadership Development
Job Application Process
Find a mentor that aligns with your goals
Search from the list to find a geoscientist that works in your field of interest
Click their name to see their geoscience expertise, career history, interests, and more.
Call or email to ask if they have time to help with your overall goals
Schedule an initial meeting with your mentor
Set up phone call, Zoom/Teams/Skype meeting, or in-person meeting
Recount past mentor’s experiences to see what mentoring experiences work best
Work with mentor to agree on goals and expectations
Agree on confidentiality in the mentorship
Establish meeting times and who schedules the meetings (3 months is recommended time, but the mentorship can also range from one session to more than 3 months).